Monday, February 1, 2010

Our very first Muffin Tin Monday!!!

So I've been checking out this cool idea: Muffin Tin Monday. Up until now, I just haven't felt creative enough to get into it, but when I saw that the theme was Dr Suess.. well, I knew I just had to do it this week!! So here we go! Our very first Muffin Tin Monday!!

Our theme is "The Lorax".. one of our favorite books!
* Truffula Trees (toast w/ butter.. i had 2, but Bubba snuck one)
* gluppity-glup & schloppity-schlop (strawberry yogurt w/ crushed oreos)
* Truffula fruits (fruit snacks)
* Humming Fish (gold fish)
* block with sign "unless" - apple juice in a recyclable container :-)

Bubba has gotten extremely picky in his eating, we're in that terrible 2 stage.. but he sat right down & dug in!! He was so excited! We will definitely be doing this again!


  1. What a great tin! Welcome to Muffin Tin Monday.

  2. welcome to mtm! i'm not familiar with the lorax... but i think your tin looks great!

  3. YAY Ashley! Welcome to MTM! My kiddos LOVE it every single week!

  4. What a great idea to use the fruit snacks for Truffula fruits! Very cute!!!

  5. Welcome to MTM! I'm always glad to see another family join in, I love the great ideas I get from everyone here. This is a very creative Lorax tin... I love the "UNLESS" sign on the juice box! :)

  6. I know I am late but welcome to MTM! I love your tin and I love The Lorax!
