Friday, April 15, 2011


I know that life is constantly changing... but life around here has changed.. a LOT! Bubba & I are currently adjusting to life with just the two of us (plus Mocha, the dog) as hubby is off keeping our country safe. Such a hard adjustment, but it comes with the uniform, so we're learning to adjust and keep going strong.

Some fun things we've done so far is start a paper chain to mark the days that he is gone. On each link, we try to write something fun we did that day, so we'll be able to share all our adventures upon his return. This is similar to the 'homecoming box' concept.. not sure if we'll make one of those too... we'll see. :) we also have a deployment book called "we serve too". best. book. EVER! written from a child's perspective, it has really helped Bubba understand & see that other families experience this too.. and finally a 'daddy doll'. Bubba calls it a 'daddy pillow', but regardless.. it goes everywhere with him! so i'm glad that he enjoys having it.

My playgroup continues to be amazing & the women involved have helped me soo much! The support they have shown me has just helped me immensely. Our playgroup will be adopting hubby's flight for a month this summer as a charity project & the kids will be making cards for the troops & collecting items for a care package. I love that not only is this group active & fun.. they also want to give back to the community. This month's project is Relay for Life.. looking forward to that as well :)

Hoping to keep up more with the blog & record our adventures over the coming months.